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Conventions of the civilisation of the table

The Accademia promotes, with the cooperation of public and private institutions, a number of important events: conventions, contests, exhibitions, reviews, round tables and displays.



Throughout the year the Delegations moreover propose conventions, which are open to a select and interested public, concerning the history of the products from different regions and other cultural issues. These conventions are a forum for studies and debates about wider topics, always of extreme actuality, such as the problematics concerning the culture of taste, of the table and of alimentation in general and of how these are reflected in the society and customs in Italy and abroad.

On a biennial basis, the Accademia organises international study conventions - so-called "Conventions of the civilisation of the table" - which host discussions, also at a scientific level, about issues of wide gastronomical interest, on the theme of the civilisation of the table.